Strengthening of Local Partnership for Improving of Labor Market and Increasing Employment

LIR Evolution in cooperation with partners: Municipality of Laktaši, RS Public Employment Service, Krajinamed company and ŠUP School Banja Luka, in the period from June 2017 to mid March 2019, implemented the project “Strengthening of Local Partnership for Improving of Labor Market and Increasing Employment ” that is a part of the umbrella project Support to Local Employment Partnerships in Bosnia and Herzegovina funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the International Labor Organization (ILO). The total value of the project is approximately 200,000 EUR.

The aim of the project is to increase employment and enable self-employment in the geographical area of ​​the Municipalities of Laktaši, Čelinac and the City of Banja Luka, and contribute to the strategic development of BiH labor market through establishment of a sustainable local partnership for employment and matching the supply and demand for qualified labor.

This project has established a sustainable local partnership for employment, training programs for technical wood processing and beekeeping have been designed and delivered. In the framework of the project, modern ICT equipment was procured and installed at the Center for Information, Counseling and Training (CISO) or RS Public Employment Institute in Banja Luka. Equipment for technical wood-processing was also procured, and a space for technical wood processing workshop in Ramići is established. In total, 39 unemployed persons attended trainings for technical wood-processing, while 10 unemployed persons attended beekeeping training. Incentives (beekeeping hives and accompanying equipment) for self-employment for 10 unemployed persons were provided, as well as training in information and communication technologies (ICT) for 77 unemployed persons.

For the first time, in May 2018 the Employment Day was organized in Laktaši, the report was prepared on the analysis of the structure of unemployed in the target area, the Action Plan for Employment was drafted and 61 unemployed persons got employment. All these results achieved in less than two years have affected the decision of the partners to continue the activities of the local partnership for employment in order to boost employment in this area.

The partners participated in trainings organized by the ILO office, and the trainings organized within the project aiming to increase knowledge about the possibilities and ways of organizing successful local employment partnership. The adopted knowledge and ideas discussed during these trainings were applied for the purpose of creating the Local Partnership for Employment and will continue to be applied in other partner activities.

The Local Partnership for Employment at the level of Laktaši, Banja Luka and Čelinac is one of the 19 partnerships in Bosnia and Herzegovina, whose work is financed through the project of local employment partnerships financed by the EU with 4 million Euros and implemented by the ILO and aims to re-qualify almost 2,000 unemployed and employing at least 620.

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