
The ENV.net is a network built on the experience of an EU-funded project, “The Environmental Forum”, implemented in the period 2009-2012, aiming at developing capacities of environmental NGOs to establish a constructive dialogue with national authorities.

The network continued to operate for the implementation of project “West Balkan and Turkey: giving citizens a voice to influence the environmental process reforms for closer EU integration” (2012-2016) to foster integration of the Western Balkans and Turkey in the EU and their approximation towards the EU environmental acquis.

The third period of network existence is implemented through project “ENV.net factoring the environmental portfolio for Western Balkan and Turkey in the EU Policy Agenda” (2017-2020) and now it is partnership of 9 organizations: CO-Plan (Albania), Environmental Ambassadors for sustainable development (Serbia), Green Home (Montenegro), 4x4x4 Balkan Bridges (Macedonia), TEMA Foundation (Turkey), Advocacy Training and Resource Centre (Kosovo) and LIR Evolution (Bosnia and Herzegovina), while partners from Italy and Belgium have advisory roles (PUNTO.SUD and European Environmental Bureau).

Overall project objective is to contribute to the improvement of environmental policymaking and implementation in compliance with the EU standards. The network foresees to contribute to both improved and intensified interaction among actors (including environmental CSOs, media and policy makers) and overall more enabling technical and financial environment where these actors operate.

Specific objective is to strengthen the profile of ENV.net as the leading network and bridging actor in environmental policy influencing in the WB and Turkey region (vis à vis EU). Further, it foresees introducing and initiating a discussion on the Circular Economy concept in the region, as well as intensifying climate change actions. The project also foresees a number of value adding and cross cutting elements, such as inter partner learning/exchange, networking, and thematic organizational support to third parties (i.e. local grass root organizations, media).


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