LIR Evolution provides technical, adminisistrative and financial support to City of Gradiška in implementation of SMILE project, financed within the first call of the INTERREG ADRION programme. Project SMILE (FirSt and last Mile Inter-modal mobiLity in congested urban arEas of Adrion Region) aims to: support transport policies aimed to reduce GHG transport emissions; improve the living environment in high traffic density areas (commuting and tourism areas); optimize the effect of human activities on sea, land, air and human health; favor a more sustainable transport modal shift, by reducing fossil-powered car usage and increasing public transport, cycling, walking, electrical and hybrid vehicles; reduce the impacts of ineffective freight delivery and chaotic tourism buses flows; lessen the high pressure on coastal and cross-border roads unable to absorb increasing traffic as well as on main inland urban roads connecting and crossing wider functional urban areas. Within the SMILE project LIR Evolution will develop a SUMP – Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for City of Gradiška. The Lead partner of the SMILE project is Regional development Center Koper, Slovenia and besides City of Gradiška the project has 9 more partners from Italy, Slovenia, Greece, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Albania. Project SMILE is implemented from 01.01.2018 until 31.12.2020 with a total budget of 1.290.415,45 EUR. More information can be found on

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