Danube Indeet- Integrated and decentralised concept rethinking energy and transport systems based on renewable energy in the Danube region

The goal of the Danube Indeet is to facilitate the expansion and efficiency of renewable energy in the Danube region by exploring and disseminating effective sector coupling opportunities such as hydrogen and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) applications. Due to environmental factors as the daily cycle of solar radiation or the irregular nature of wind speeds, we do not have control over the production of renewable electricity, making it unpredictable, thus difficult to integrate with the steadily operated baseload power plants. Energy storage and conversion alternatives and new ecosystems utilizing fluctuating electricity, such as hydrogen production and V2G, increase the efficiency and environmental benefits of renewable energy sources. The technologies are available, but new concepts are required to connect them and create synergies. While public policies support the energy transition, municipalities and cities often need support with effective implementation. Danube Indeet will contribute to the resolution of these challenges by conducting legal and technical analyses, creating complex models based on data collected by partners, exploring economic and societal opportunities, drivers and barriers and ultimately taking up these results by proposing evidence-based policy recommendations and a strategical framework for the Danube Region.

During the project, local infrastructure frameworks will be analysed in each participating region and already existing approaches for renewable energy integration will be examined. The data feeds in to a computation model based on mathematical optimisation to obtain ideal green infrastructure setup in terms of operation and economics. The model will be tested, validated and refined in six pilot regions as well as against theoretical scenarios. The results combined with the conclusion of the analysis of the legal framework provide ample basis for policy recommendations and the strategy for integrated energy and transport systems in the Danube region. To ensure embedding of project outcomes, further investigations will be conducted into the acceptance factors and levels behind V2G, hydrogen applications and other concepts touched upon by the project. These results will be disseminated, discussed and further taken up in the frame of policy cooperation and networking activities, thus contributing to a greener, more energy efficient Danube Region.

Project partnership:

  1. Landshut University of Applied Sciences
  2. Municipality Ruhstorf an der Rott
  3. Energieinstitut an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
  4. Citizens´ Association No Gravity
  6. The Alba Iulia Association for Intercommunity Development
  7. Regional Agency for Socio – Economic Development – Banat Ltd
  8. Regional Development Agency of South Bohemia – RERA
  9. LIR Evolution
  10. University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
  11. Paks Transportation Limited Liability Company
  12. Municipality of Ulcinj

Associated partners:

  1. EurA AG
  2. Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Landesentwicklung und Energie
  3. Mesto Senec
  4. Javno Preduzeće „Putevi Srbije“
  5. Jihočeský kraj
  6. Svaz měst a obcí Jihočeského kraje
  7. Grad Derventa
  8. HUMDA – Hungarian Mobility Development Agency
  9. Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (PA2 coordination responsible)

The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Danube Region Programme.

Project duration: 2024.01.01-2026.06.30

Project budget: 2,664,080.00 €; Interreg funding: 2,131,264.00 €



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