The project CIRCLE was presented at the regional conference “Development of the Green Economy”, held in Podgorica on 27th and 28th of July, 2021. The participants of the conference were representatives of state and local self-government, media, private sector and civil society organizations from Montenegro and countries from the region. The panelists presented the opportunities and challenges of green economy development, green economy best practice examples, as well as projects and initiatives of CSOs in the field of green and circular economy.
The project CIRCLE Circular Innovation and Resilient City Labs in the Adrion Region, funded by ADRION program, was presented by LIR Evolution, on behalf of Municipality of Laktaši and the Eko Fond RS, as well as CIRCLab Organic BiH. Project activities, pilot fields implemented by project partners, and specifically separation of organic / bio components from municipal waste, as well as possibilities and benefits of its processing – composting and biogas, were presented.
The conference was organized within the project “GEAR – Green Economy for Advanced Region” which aims to increase the activities and influence of civil society organizations from Montenegro, Serbia, BiH, North Macedonia and Albania in environmental protection through networking, capacity building and promoting the green economy. The project is funded by the European Union within the Civil Society and Media Support Program for 2016-2017, and implemented by FORS Montenegro in partnership with SMART Kolektiv from Serbia, the Center for Development and Support from BiH, EKO Svest from North Macedonia, EDEN Center from Albania and the Association Slap from Croatia.