BH Green Triangle

Partners CRP, LINK and LIR Evolution implement the BH Green Triangle project.

The goal of the project is to improve the influence of civil society in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the field of environmental protection and climate change, by building capacity, improving cooperation of civil society organizations with the authorities through the public campaign of the regional GreenWorks network of CSOs. The project enables the further strengthening of the GreenWorks network, by building capacity and improving cooperation with 15 local self-governments in Bosnia and Herzegovina, enabling the process of decarbonization, adaptation and mitigation of climate change, with public participation in planning, creating public policy, making decisions, representing the interests of citizens.

The project directly encourages the decarbonization process at local level through strengthening the capacity of local self-government units and creation of 15 sustainable energy climate action plans (SECAP) for period up to 2030, promoting the use of clean and sustainable energy, and environmental plans of local policy, supporting the Action plan for implementation of the Sofia Declaration on Green Agenda for the Western Balkans for period 2021-2030.

BH Green Triangle also plans capacity building, awarding sub-grants, and networking for 15 civil society organizations that will build capacities in the field of decarbonization, adaptation and mitigation of climate change at the local level.

The project is financed by the EU through the Program: EU4CS – Support to existing and newly established networks of civil society organizations.

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